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· 2024-04-24 09:02:10 Intelligenza artificiale, ecco cosa c’è nel Ddl del governo oggi in Cdm Il Sole 24 ORE
estimated reading time: 2 min Il disegno di legge del governo sull’Intelligenza artificiale è atteso sul tavolo del Consiglio dei min istri, che si riunirà nel pomeriggio di martedì 23 aprile. Il provvedimento, a quanto si è appreso, è all’ordine del giorno della riunione tecni
· 2024-02-11 07:41:51+01:00 Applications of artificial intelligence
estimated reading time: 105 min Part of a series onArtificial intelligence Major goals Artificial general intelligence Recursive self-improvement Planning Computer vision General game playing Knowledge reasoning Machine learning Natural language process
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· 2024-01-21 11:19:36+01:00 AI Alliance Launches as an International Community of Leading Technology Developers, Researchers, and Adopters Collaborating Together to Advance Open, Safe, Responsible AI
estimated reading time: 22 min AI advancements are leading to new opportunities that can improve how we work, live, learn and interact with one another. Open and transparent innovation is essential to empower a broad spectrum of AI researchers, builders, and adopters with the informatio
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· 2023-12-17 06:27:16+01:00 Il futuro del cloud secondo OVHcloud
estimated reading time: 10 min Durante il suo summit annuale, OVHcloud ha guardato al futuro del cloud presentando una serie di iniziative e di soluzioni che abbracciano diversi segmenti chiave. Giunto alla decima edizione, l’evento si è svolto a La Maison de la Mutualité a Pa
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· 2023-01-04 09:06:58+01:00 NATO launches Innovation Fund
estimated reading time: 1 min English French Russian Ukrainian "This fund is unique", the Secretary General said, "with a 15-year timeframe, the NATO Innovation Fund will help bring to life those nascent technologies that have the power to transform our security in the decades to come,
intelligenza artificiale elenchi
· 2021-12-28 23:39:10+01:00 Artificial Intelligence
estimated reading time: 12 min > DatarainbowHealth Data Hub : du fantasme de l’intelligence artificielle à la privatisation de nos données de santé. Projet central du « Plan national pour l’intelligence artificielle » (surnommé « AI for humanity« ), le « Health Data Hub

"Le illusioni non si creano sul palco, ma dentro il cervello" - David Copperfield, illusionista

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